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Shell Rotella Oil: Can You Use It in Your Motorcycle?

The Debate

There is a lot of debate surrounding the use of Shell Rotella oil in motorcycles. Some people swear by it, while others claim it can damage your engine. So, what's the truth?

JASO Certification

One of the main concerns about using Rotella oil in motorcycles is that it is not JASO certified. JASO is a Japanese standard that sets performance requirements for motorcycle oils. Rotella oil is not certified to meet these requirements because it is primarily designed for diesel engines.

Shell's Testing

Despite not being JASO certified, Shell claims that Rotella oil meets the requirements for motorcycle oils based on their own in-house testing. However, this testing has not been independently verified.

User Experiences

There are many anecdotal reports from motorcycle riders who have used Rotella oil without any problems. However, there are also reports of riders who have experienced engine damage after using Rotella oil.


The bottom line is that there is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not you can use Shell Rotella oil in your motorcycle. Some riders have had good experiences with it, while others have had bad experiences. If you are considering using Rotella oil in your motorcycle, be sure to do your research and weigh the potential benefits and risks.

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